Monday, June 9, 2014

100 lb Loser! - Introducing the Fun and Exciting Card Circuits!

After Round 2 of 3 of our "Card" Workout - How fun!!

What's a card workout you ask? We took a deck of cards and assigned a suit to an exercise. 3 of hearts = 3 burpees, etc. When we went through the deck we switched up the exercises! What a blast!! I actually DID BURPEES! During my Title Boxing workouts I would skip the burpees because "they looked hard" and "I didn't think I could do it". When he called out that I had to 20 BURPEES I nearly died of embarrassment because I didn't think I would be able to do it. Did I? HECK YEAH I DID!!!! I DID ALL 20 PLUS ALL THE EXTRA BURPEES I GOT ASSIGNED DURING THE WORKOUT! I couldn't be more excited and proud for myself!!

The Fit Camp team from 06/09/2014 besides Brelann of course!

So tomorrow is my final weigh in/after pictures for my 8 week body transformation challenge! I CANT WAIT TO POST ABOUT MY RESULTS!!

To here more about Herbalife click any of the links below!!

Daily Diary


2 scoops Mint Chocolate Formula 1 (Herbalife)
2 scoops Chocolate Protein Drink Mix (Herbalife)

Mid-Morning Snack:

1 cup pulled pork
1 Think Thin Brownie Crunch Protein Bar


2 scoops Cookies N Cream Formula 1 (Herbalife)
2 scoops Chocolate Protein Drink Mix (Herbalife)

Afternoon Boost:

1 cup coffee w/creamer and 1 packet Sweet N Low

Post-Workout Protein Shake:

Chocolate Rebuild Strength Shake (Herbalife)
16 oz Original Energy Tea with Lemon Cola LiftOff (Herbalife)


2 cups Macaroni and Cheese with Hamburger
3 fresh, organic tomatoes from my Dad's garden

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Change Your Focus

Check out this link to learn more about Herbalife and our products that gave me AMAZING results. 

Learning About Portion Sizes

I went to a women's convention called the "Just For Her" Expo in Overland Park last Friday and I met an amazing couple, the Dietrich's, who have a fantastic idea. Sheila wanted to address our country's problem with over-eating or "supersized" eating as she called it. She did a lot of research and experimenting and came up with an amazing concept - plating that is designed to change your mentality about food. Her beautifully designed plates are set up to portion out your entire meal and make your plate seem fuller than it is (the correct amount of food you should be eating). She and her husband have lost over 100 lbs combined and are a true inspiration! Livliga is the product line that I am referring to (there is a link you can click on to go directly to the website). I am especially excited about their children's plating called, Kidliga which combines fun, cartoony designs with nutrition guidelines that will help children understand portion sizes. Each set of kid's plating even comes with a children's book that includes family friendly recipes! If you've ever tried to lose weight you understand the importance of portion sizes. I had a few tricks when I started changing my lifestyle: 

  1. Use smaller plates (wish I'd known about Livliga plates back then!)
  2. Portion out my food the minute I bring it home (so when I sit down to munch on a treat I don't need to worry about over-eating)
  3. Stop eating while I watch television (if you eat while doing other things your body is mentally preparing itself to eat - and you might find yourself not being fulfilled, because your body isn't concentrating on the fact that it is full)

Check out the link to their YouTube video here

Don't Focus on the Scale

I am learning (rather slowly, but bear with me) that weight isn't the only factor that should be considered when analyzing your fitness results. Ever since I started this journey I had it in my head that I wanted to be under 200 lbs. Every time I got close I was so ready, and I would sabotage myself - and gain a few lbs. I finally cracked down and decided I was going to do it. I've worked my butt off for the last two weeks. I checked in with my coach today and I had gained two lbs! My first instinct was anger, disappointment, and frustration. Alexis quickly calmed me down and we analyzed the rest of the scan. In reality the two lbs I had gained were muscle, and I had significantly decreased my body fat %. So instead of focusing on trying to get under 200 lbs I think I'm just going to focus on toning up my body and how I FEEL. I would like to insist that everyone out there do the same. There are SO many factors that contribute to weight beyond just that. Love your body throughout your journey and focus on HOW YOU FEEL.  

Daily Diary


2 scoops Cookies N Cream Formula 1 (Herbalife)
2 scoops Chocolate PDM (Herbalife) 
16 oz Raspberry Energy Tea (Herbalife) 
Herbalife Supplements: Total Control, Multi-Vitamin, Cell-U-Loss, and Cell Activator

Mid-Morning Snack:

0.5 cup fresh strawberries
0.5 cup pulled pork
1/4 sliced cucumber


2 scoops Cookies N Cream Formula 1 (Herbalife)
2 scoops Chocolate PDM (Herbalife)  
Herbalife Supplements: Total Control, Multi-Vitamin, Cell-U-Loss, and Cell Activator

Afternoon Snack:

Chocolate Chip Quest Protein Bar
0.5 cup pulled pork
1/4 chicken fruit salad wrap


2 bratwurst w/bun and mustard


Vancy-Poo showing me how to do Medicine Ball Transfers

Flex it!!!!

I AM going to do pull ups in 3 weeks!

Eric and I - we's on fya!!

2 sets 10 Shoulder Circuits
2 sets 10 Band Pull Aparts
2 sets 10 Wall Slides
2 sets 10 Plank Push Ups
3 sets 15 Close Grip Front Lat Pulldown
3 sets 15 Push Ups
3 1 minute Planks
3 sets 15 Standing Wide Grip Cable Box
3 sets 15 Bicep Curl with Shoulder Press
3 sets 15 Standing Pull

In Addition To: 

1 set 12 Medicine Ball Transitions
50 Medicine Ball Crunches
50 Regular Floor Crunches

Monday, June 2, 2014

LSF Fit Camp Day 1

Fit Camp - Day 1

My Day 1 Results: 57 Sit-Ups

My Day 1 Results: 31 Push-Ups. By the end of June my goal is to get off my knees and do REAL push-ups!

My Day 1 Results: 0.6 miles in 5 mins 25 secs. I took off sprinting at the start and managed to work my way to the front of the group. As my strength is sprinting, and not endurance - I quickly became tired a had to walk for a bit. I need to work on my endurance training!! Hoping to beat this time by a minute by the end of June!! But, hey, I didn't puke - so that's always a plus!

After our workout we decided to have a Wall-Sit Competition - Alexa and I won by sitting for 3 mins 30 secs. We won a free Herbalife Rebuild Shake. The point of Rebuild is to give you instant relief from sore muscles and to replace your body with needed nutrients in that important 15 - 30 min window after your workout! It tasted like chocolate milk and helped me walk up the stairs to my apartment after the leg weakening workout!

Feeling GOOD after my workout!!

The LSF Fit Camp Group Pre-Workout and READY TO GO!

I was dreading this workout as the temperature outside was so hot the air seemed thick! I immediately started sweating when we went outside due to the thick layer of sunscreen I had to apply. I am taking these results as a point for improvement! I can't wait to see where my numbers are at by the end of June! 

Need to Change My Attitude

So before Fit Camp today I decided to head to Kohl's to pick out some much needed workout clothes, and try to find a swimsuit for California next week. I found a bunch of ADORABLE workout outfits! My favorite are some crazy colored shorts - but they ride up when I run (which is annoying!). The depressing part came when I started looking for swim suits. I was taken back to clothes shopping with my Mom when I was a teen. It always ended in a torrent of tears because none of the cute clothes I wanted to wear came in a size that I could wear! I was frustrated after searching and trying on swim suits for thirty minutes. I took a deep breath, and processed the situation - and I found a cute suit that I LOVE! Can't wait to sport it around California! You know what? I may not have a flat tummy yet, or a six pack, but I love my body the way it is and I'm not afraid to show it :)

Daily Diary


2 scoops Cookies N Cream Formula 1 (Herbalife)
2 scoops Chocolate PDM (Herbalife)
16 oz Raspberry Energy Tea (Herbalife) 
Herbalife Supplements: Multi-Vitamin, Cell-U-Loss, Cell Activator, and Total Control


1 Bratwurst
1/4 sliced cucumber
1 quartered Roma tomato


2 scoops Cookies N Cream Formula 1 (Herbalife) 
2 scoops Chocolate PDM (Herbalife) 
Herbalife Supplements: Multi-Vitamin, Cell-U-Loss, Cell Activator, and Total Control

Post Work-Out:

1 Chocolate Rebuild Shake (Herbalife)


1 slice lasagna
1.5 cup fresh green beans
1 quartered Roma tomato
Herbalife Supplements: Multi-Vitamin, Cell-U-Loss, Cell Activator, and Total Control


0.6 mile run
5 - 10 min warm-up
1 min sit-up round
1 min push-up round
5 min cool down stretch

Where do I even begin? I suppose I should start at the beginning?

The Beginning

Let's set the scene: It's the winter of 2011, I'm 21, supposed to be feeling young and vibrant, supposed to be living life to the fullest! But I'm nearly 300 lbs, about 120 lbs overweight, and feeling sick, sluggish, and lazy. I spend most of my time in school, working, or watching television. Due to my hectic schedule most of my meals were eaten out of a to-go container and a paper bag. It wouldn't be unusual for me to eat McDonalds for two or three meals a day (sometimes 4 if we decided to drink that night, and get late-night munchies). The convenience and the dollar menu prices couldn't be beat (I was a poor college student after all). I was in a relationship (unhealthy one at that) in which I was completely insecure, mostly because I was insecure about myself. I could hardly walk across campus between classes without getting winded and covered in sweat, so I regularly took the bus between buildings to avoid walking up the hill. Living on the third floor of my apartment building was near torture and I grew winded every time I came home. And yet, I still did nothing. Food was my only comfort, and I wasn't going to give that up. 

My Turning Point

My boyfriend and I had driven to Leavenworth, my hometown, to visit my mother. She hadn't seen me for a few months. After a short time she pulled me to the side. She gently told me that we needed to do something about my weight- she was worried. I agreed. So with the support of my Mom, and everyone around me, I started out on this journey.

The Journey

By July of 2012 I had lost 42 lbs, as well as my relationship. By cutting out all fast food, soda, and other terrible items, as well as adding in some light exercise it felt like the weight was just melting off of me! The more weight that fell off, the better I was feeling. By December of 2012 I had lost 70 lbs, I was so excited. Then I was stuck, for a VERY VERY long time. I had reached a HARD plateau. My weight continued to yo-yo as well as my happiness. It wasn't until I met Alexis in October of 2013 that I felt like I could progress. 

HerLife 8 Week Competition

Thanks to the voting and support of my friends and family (a special thanks to Miss Erin Wold) I was able to compete in a local magazine's 8 week fitness competition. I was able to workout at Title Boxing Club for free during this time, and I was addicted! I'd never worked out and felt like I'd released so much frustration!! Punching that bag was like beating down my own self doubt, my own fears, and the harsh words of the people around me who brought me down. I met with Alexis about Herbalife shortly after entering this competition and she started me on some amazing products to help me get my nutrition aligned with my goals. 
By the end of the competition my whole world had changed. I was confident, happy, active, and healthy. I couldn't believe what a difference it made in my life! Meeting my new Herbalife family was one of the best things that ever happened to me. They supported me when I was frustrated with not losing weight, when I wasn't 100% sure what a "healthy" diet was, when I needed a friend. I am so grateful for the competition, Alexis, and to Title Boxing, for getting me back on track and helping me be the person I am today!

Where I am now...

Fit ,Active, Healthy Lifestyle:

Now I am at that bring of being under 200 lbs for the first time I can remember. I have lost nearly 100 lbs. I am so beyond any brink of happy that I ever thought was possible. I am active - and I amaze myself every time I work out! I push myself past the point of being uncomfortable with every punch, every jab, and every hook (sorry boxing lingo!). Have I been 100% on track this whole journey, no, but I am a human! I have been yo-yoing just above my goal weight for the last few months. I am just going to keep working on my body. I use my Herbalife products to keep my nutrition in check. I honestly can tell a difference when I don't drink my shakes - I feel bloated, tired, and gross. Nutrition is key! My coach, Alexis, keeps telling me the process is 80/20 - 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. I have worked my butt off to get where I am and I refuse to go back to where I was! 

True Love:

I met the love of my life, my soul mate, my everything. It's true that you'll attract the person who loves you, when you learn to love yourself. To me, Andrew is like everything I ever wanted in a man combined into one body. I am grateful every day that I met him. I could go on and on but I'll leave it at that. 

So What's The Point?? 

The point of this blog is really to inform, to inspire, and to keep me accountable. One of my biggest goals is to inspire and help people to get active and healthy. Obesity is a huge problem in this country, and it is significantly decreasing life expectancy and the happiness people could be experiencing. If one person reads this and decides to walk a mile, join a gym, or ask their doctor for help, I feel like I've accomplished my goal. I am so beyond willing to be a leader, a coach, or a friend for anyone that asks me for help.